Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sorry for missing yesterday...Monday and Tuesdays are really crazy with work and then class afterwards.  So tonight will be a quick post just to update.

Work wasn't as hard to navigate with my new eating schedule as I thought it was going to be.  Which made me really happy.  I have lots of people that like to order lunch every day and have candy bowls (due to it being close to Halloween and all).  So I was a little worried about temptation even though before I started this I wasn't big into candy but you know how it is, being told you can't have something, makes you want it more!

One BIG challenge that I have yet to figure out a solution for is my class nights.  They don't exactly jive with my eating schedule or the goal rather of eating every three hours.  I have class from 5:30 to 8:30pm.  With my afternoon snack being at anywhere from 3pm to 4:30pm I should be eating again (dinner) at about 6pm.  Well thats difficult being in a classroom that doesn't let you eat in class.  We can coffee or someother drink and a snack type food but not a dinner.  So I suppose maybe I could have another snack until I get home and then eat a light dinner. Huh look at that...I may have just figured it out! LOL

Another thing I have to work on is getting my butt out of bed in the morning.  I'm very used to just getting up and getting ready to go to work sans breakfast at home.  But I should be eating breakfast no later than 1 hour than from when I get up and that doesn't work with my pre-exsiting routine.  I'm working on it though. 

I know I haven't mentioned ANYTHING about exercise and I will admit I am guilty of not working as hard as I should at making that happen.  I should be making an effort to get to the gym or some type of cardio four times a week.  I had ample opportunity to go over the weekend and I didn't.  Last night and tonight I had class and tomorrow I am going to find my sister's Maid of Honor dress.  So the next available night is Thursday.  If you're thinking "well you could go in the morning" please the previous paragraph for my response :) Thursday I will go...I will go right after work...promise.

Until tomorrow...goodnight and remember to love yourself

Sunday, October 16, 2011

So here we are Day 2 another successful day.  Today had some different obstacles than yesterday but I think I handled them well.

My lunch today was an idea from the nutritionist a wrap with a quarter pound of turkey.  I have never eaten that much meat on a sandwich before so while I was trying to finish my lunch it was definitely a struggle.  I honestly felt like I was going to blow up!  The funniest thing is besides the vegetables and huge amount of meat that is on the wrap I am also supposed to have an extra serving of vegetables on the side!  I couldn't do that today...it just was not possible.  I have a different lunch planned tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.

To top off my worries of sticking to everything in regards to what I am supposed to eat and being on an eating "schedule" today is Sunday! And that means football.  My fiancee and I went to his brother's house for the game and usually there is all sorts of football game time food.  Luckily today it was low key.  I had brought an apple and some cheese for my afternoon snack and we brought a vegetable soup to share so there wasn't too much to worry about in the end.

So again I will say that today was successful.  I am happy with what I accomplished.  I stuck to what I needed to do in a different environment, instead of just being in my home doing my own thing and ended my day on a continued positive note prepping my lunch and snacks for tomorrow so that tomorrow is already well on its way to being another successful day.

Until tomorrow...goodnight and remember to love yourself no matter what.

Today is the first day...

Today was the first day of my latest attempt/journey to lose weight.  I could list all the reasons why but why? Does it matter? Well I guess it could if they were unhealthy reasons but they're not.  I have my wedding in less than 11 months, I am overweight, unhealthy and overall not happy with the way that I feel and look.  That about sums it up.  Let me clarify before I continue that I love myself as I am but I know that I can be better and nothing I attempt will be successful unless I accept myself for who I am now.

I earlier said that this was my latest attempt to lose weight...I've fought this battle with myself for as long as I can remember.  But things started to go really down hill in 2005.  Before 2005 I still thought that I needed to lose weight but I should have been satisfied with where I was.  I was healthier than I am now.  In 2005 I started a new job and I became a lot less active.  Ever since then it has been a rollercoaster of diets and attempts to regain the body and confidence I had.

Confidence...oh how I miss my confidence.  People may hear me say "oh I don't wear this or that because I don't look good in it" but I don't say it because I want to have people say "no you look fine" or "don't say that, you're beautiful."  I say it because I am being honest; thats how I really feel.

I have a fiancee who loves me and doesn't care how much I weight which is wonderful.  He thinks I am beautiful regardless.  He is incrediably supportative and helps me in whatever way he can.  I also have wonderful friends who love me the way I am and are very supportive as well but I know that people can only hear so many times that you're going to do something and not follow through.  Not without trying of course but in the past I have tried and said I am going to stick to working out or doing this or that but it never continues.  So instead of continuing to disappoint I've stopped talking about it and I'm doing this instead.  I need to be held accountable but I need to hold myself accountable.  I can't continue to rely on others for the accountability.

So here it goes my latest and hopefully my successful attempt.  This time I also have the advice of a nutritionist who has corrected some of my eating habits.  One being that I don't eat enough or often enough, I know funny right?  Also giving the ideas for the right things to eat.

Today I followed her schedule and ate things she suggested, so today was a success.  Thats the best way to look at it right? One day at time...and my plan is to talk about my progress, good and bad, here.

Until tomorrow...goodnight and remember to love yourself...